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Paul & Janis Bosch Scholarship Fund 

The Paul and Janis Bosch Scholarship was established to provide an educational opportunity annually to a Council Grove High School senior pursuing a college degree, in memory of Paul and Janis Bosch. 

Paul graduated from Council Grove High School in 1948, and from the College of Emporia with a degree in Business Administration in 1952. Two months later, after officer candidate school, he received his commission in the U.S. Navy, and was immediately called to Active Duty. He served with the USS Shone year later, married his college sweetheart Janis Irving, and served the balance of his Navy Active Duty stationed in San Francisco.

In 1953, he started is business career, involving owning and operating the retail furniture store in Council Grove for more than 35 years. He also owned and operated coin-operated Laundromats, was involved in farming and cattle management, real estate, oil and gas drilling, hardware and numerous businesses.

His community involvement included serving on numerous boards such as School Board, Savings and Loans, Morris County Industrial Development (over 30 years), Chamber of Commerce President and board, Church and area foundations, and the Rotary Club (received Paul Harris Award).

Janis Irving Bosch graduated from Russell High School, and attended College of Emporia, where she met her husband, Paul Bosch. Her degree was in Home Economics, and she was very active in school organizations and clubs. 

While Paul was deployed, she focused her career in the business side of Home Economics working for Home Service Departments, instructing how to operate new appliances after purchase. Upon moving to Council Grove, she became a stay-at-home mom, raising four children. When they were all in school, she chose to further her education to become a Secondary teacher. She attended Kansas State Teachers College (now Emporia State University), earning a Bachelors degree in Education and her teaching certificate. She was fortunate to be hired as the Vocational Home Economics Instructor at Council Grove High School in 1973, a position she held for almost 20 years.

Janis’s passion was teaching and educating students, with classes such as Home EC 1 & 2, Bachelor Living, Marriage and Family Living. She enjoyed teaching her students the basics of cooking, sewing, nutrition, managing the family budget and how to handle life’s challenges.

Janis was very active and involved in many of Council Grove’s civic and social events, as well as a volunteer and community leader. She served on numerous boards, clubs and organizations. She was a swimming instructor at the Live Center and a dedicated Red Cross swimming instructor for years at the Council Grove Swimming Pool. She volunteered as a Tour Guide of the historic sites in Council Grove.


Paul and Janis Bosch were both leaders, in every aspect of their lives. They would feel fortunate to promote these values in a CGHS student with this scholarship.


USD 417 Graduating Senior

Attending a Kansas Board of Regents Institution

Must have a GPA of 3.0 + OR 21+ACT/1600+ SAT

To apply for this scholarship, please follow the application link below:

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Council Grove, KS 66846

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Photo Credits: Mindy Sue Photography and Love My Kansas - Land and Aerial Photography/Video

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